Thursday, May 3, 2012

Can You Hear Me Now?

For a while now, I’ve been on roller skates between events for myself (still buzzing after last week’s HBCU Experience reading and Mr. SOUL! screening J) and rippin’ and runnin’ with activities for my daughter, Drew.

I think it finally caught up with me and I’ve been having a low-grade temper tantrum.

You know, like a low-grade fever.

Or at least I’m kind of on strike.

Many nights I’ve been in the bed snoring by 9p.

And you can forget full-fledged grocery shopping or cooking a decent meal.

That’s SO not me!

I think it’s more than needing a time out.

I think it’s perfecting my ability to listen to that Still Small Voice and do what It says!

So I decided it’s OK to say no and slow down.

I dug out some old CDs that sound new to me and I am enjoying the simple pleasure of good music.

I’ve turned off the TV and am reading all those books I’ve been meaning to get to but keep pushing to the side.

Maybe it’s God’s way of checking my receptivity, making sure I’m in a place where I can get a good signal, and asking, “Can you hear Me now?”

Like finding a place of inner respite. Or reconnecting with an old friend.

Once again I am reminded that I cannot give from an empty well.

Incidentally, I noticed my daughter didn’t starve, the house didn’t burn down, and the world didn’t stop spinning.

So this week, I’m taking the advice of my Sister Friend Homegirl Dr. Argie Allen who always encourages us all to be thankful (smile) and let us all know that today, she is wisely taking a day to exhale. She notes, “Living in this very busy world where every day is so fast paced, we all need to just get away to relax, reflect, restore, and revive ourselves!

While I can’t take a no-holds-barred Mental Health Day today, I will, as Dr. Argie also notes, at least find time to exhale on purpose J


  1. Thank-you spirit must have known I need to be reminded to slow-down and listen. BLESSINGS

  2. I can dig it! I have a little sign up in my office that says "CHOOSE SLEEP." Thanks for the reminder! XO

    1. @mrsoulthemovie - where can I get one of those?!

    2. @mrsoulthemovie - where can I get one of those?!
